We have an exciting year planned for children and youth at UUFF. In September regular R.E. begins again. We are offering 3 childrens programs every Sunday. Our youngest kids now known as the Screech Owls (preschool - kinder) have safe play avalible in the blue room with our capable caregivers. We will have a optional seasonal related craft avalible for children that would like to.
Our Snowy Owls (Kintergarden - 4th/5th) meet in the downstairs classroom. This year we will be spending part of the year exsploring Jesus through a UU perspective. The second half of the year we will be exsploring our UU idenity. Both looking at the people who came before us and helped shape where Unitarian Universalism is today as well as understanding what it means when one says "I'm a Unitarian Universalist." to the people we meet.
The Great Horned Owls (4th - 8th graders) Meet in our Kurt Vonugut room. This year we will be using a new curriculum called Harry Potter and UU. This program uses the fun and magic of the Harry Potter world to exsplore and participate in some exciting service projects. Projects that benifit both our own Fellowship as well as our Fairbanks comunity.
Finally our Gray Gray Owls. Our highschoolers meet once a month at this time. We have not yet decided what we will be doing this year. Last year we used a curriclum called Popcorn Theology which used movies as the basis of talking points about our lives, religion, god, time travel, ethics, and other questions of faith.